Cardano, one of the leading blockchain platforms, has commenced the highly anticipated Voltaire era with a significant hard fork in June, marking a pivotal moment in...
In a remarkable turn of events, Nvidia has outpaced Apple with a 25x stock split, signaling a significant milestone for the semiconductor giant and reflecting its...
Solana, a leading blockchain platform, has taken decisive action to address the threat of "sandwich attacks" on its network by removing vulnerable validators, bolstering security measures,...
In a significant partnership aimed at advancing the digital economy, Ripple has joined forces with the National Bank of Georgia to explore opportunities for fostering innovation...
In a concerning development, Singaporean businesses have fallen victim to a wave of cyberattacks orchestrated by the Akira ransomware, raising alarms about cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the...
South Korea is poised to embark on a groundbreaking initiative to mass-produce non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as the virtual asset market in the country continues to expand...
In a pioneering move within the digital payments landscape, China's leading mobile payment platform, Alipay, has incorporated artificial intelligence (AI) technology to address the issue of...
In a pioneering move within the digital payments landscape, China's leading mobile payment platform, Alipay, has incorporated artificial intelligence (AI) technology to address the issue of...
Arbitrum, a prominent player in the blockchain gaming space, has garnered a substantial $215 million investment for its Gaming Catalyst Program, signaling a significant boost for...
In a significant milestone for the cryptocurrency exchange realm, Binance has achieved the remarkable feat of amassing over 200 million users and securing custody of assets...