Mastercard, in collaboration with prominent banking institutions including Citigroup, Visa, and JPMorgan, has embarked on a pioneering initiative to explore the application of distributed ledger technology...
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange disclosed the creation of a blockchain-based platform to expand its trading services to cryptocurrencies and other digital assets as part of...
Freeway has halted some of its services, citing unprecedented volatility in the foreign exchange and cryptocurrency markets.
Kazakhstan has maintained its position as the third-biggest contributor to Bitcoin mining after surpassing Russia back in February 2021.
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority, South Africa’s financial regulator, published a notice indicating that the country’s 2002 Financial Advisory and Financial Intermediary Services Act has been...
Bitcoin and most altcoin prices have turned down and look to retest the underlying support levels.
German crypto bank Nuri has informed users to withdraw funds from their accounts as the firm prepares to shut down and liquidate the business.
The European Union released a package of documents related to an action plan for implementing the European Green Deal and the REPowerEU Plan, both of which...
Altcoins are carving out gains as Bitcoin price continues to trade within a tightening range.
Binance Pool has launched a $500 million lending project to support the crypto mining industry. It will provide loans to private blue-chip Bitcoin crypto miners.